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│16:12:54         @hibby | What I'm trying to do is think out a lighting power budget                                
│16:16:29        ormiret | poundland strings are low power (I have enough batteries to run them for a weekend). I    
│                        | have "a few" 10W floods that I'm planning to mod to 12V, 1 or 2 50W floods (they're       
│                        | likely to require mains) and "some" 12V or 5V tape. I think I can turn a couple of       
│                        | hundred watts into light if that much power is available.                               
│16:18:03         @hibby | okay so that sounds like 500W which seems good                                            

poundland strings

I have thirty something stings of about 10 LEDs. Can run them at 5V. These should be about 1W per string but are currently missing the resistors that would limit them to that so are running at about 5W per string. This should be fixed before CampGND.

I have a board with ULN2803 (I think - transistor arrays of some description) chips to allow control of them.

I have a couple of adafruit servo control boards to give PWM for them from I2C.

For distro wires this time I'm thinking to use cat5 cable: it's cheap 8 core wire. Can put 4 strings at the end of each run of network cable.

Still TODO:

  • wire control electronics together
  • Make cables to hook them up
  • control SW
  • Add current limiting resistors

If I don't do any of that before CampGND these are still usable as control board has the control lines wired to Vcc to give always on and I have a bag of cables already (as we had a EMF).

50W flood

2 x 50W RGB floods

Controllable from IR remotes can do 16 constant colours or flash/strobe/fade.

Powered from 230V AC.

5V RGB tape

3 x 5m length of RGB tape and USB controllers that can do similar to 50W floods. Only seem to have 1 remote for these 3 controllers. This tape is the waterproof variety so could be put outside (controllers still need to be kept away from weather).

I've got MOSFETs to build controllers for these, but I don't think there is any chance of me getting to that before (this) CampGND.

12V RGB(W) light bars

I've made a few (3 complete RGBW and I have parts for another 7 RGB, I think I've got more tape than that so might manage another couple) 2m bars with RGB LED tape on them. Each bar is somewhere about 20-25W max.

Planning to control them with chains of P9813 boards fed from nodemcus. I only have 6 P9813s spare at the moment. I've got another 15 ordered that should turn up by 30th May. If they don't show up on time, can steal the 8 p9813 boards from the clock.

I currently have SW for the nodemcus to control the lights by firing UDP frames at them with the values for the lights. I have vague plans for adding more complications that I may or may not get to (I'd probably bet on not).

TODO for this:

  • Put the rest of the bars together.
  • Put together some controller boards in a box and wire them up.
  • Make some cables to run from controller boxes to bars

12V white lights

I have a few 12V white lights.

Some (30 or so, can't find any of them right now to check) of the 3ish W COBs (they're supposed to be 10W but if run at 3W they're fine without any heatsink) some (5-10 - I've found 5, I'm fairly sure I have more) 1W G4 bulbs and 14 x 3-5ish W MR16 bulbs.


I have parts for 6 10W RGB floods (might be down to 5, I can't find the face plate for one of them). Planning to control them from P9813s and nodemcus like the bars.

So far playing with these I've been killing the red LEDs. Might be fixable with heat sink goop and different current limiting resistors, or these might be green and blue only, or I might just give up on them.


I have a some neopixels. I might do something with them.

I have plans for a 7*10 neopixel ping pong ball display that I have all the parts for. It's not looking all that likely that I'll have time to build it before CampGND, might take the parts with me and build it there.

I have some other neopixel strings, 5m of 144/m tape, a couple of 8*8 panels, and a few small rings.

Can control the neopixels by firing UDP frames with the values you want at nodemcus, or I've got micropython code for some blinkenlight patterns.

campgnd2019/power/lighting.1558303391.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/16 13:50 (external edit)