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campGND Attendees

Last time there were maybe 15 of us, this year we're thinking at least 10 with a maximum of 30.

If you're coming, add yourself to the table below. If you're struggling to edit the wiki you might not have an account ask on irc and hibby can provide! We need to approve your membership on the wiki before you can edit it, this might be the issue.

Kitchen menu and planning

Confirmed Attending

Name Project Coming From Mode of Transport Space for Others? Dietary Requirements?
Nicko Attempting to run some semblance of a communal kitchen Edinburgh car maybe humanitarian
Hibby Little bit of radio, lot bit of chillout ABZ car/bike unlikely delicious food (no peanuts)
Kenny Adding spices to nick's food, fursuit shenanigans ABZ car/bike unlikely yes
Andy Some woodwork and carving maybe ABZ car, TBC yes, TBC vegetarian
Mike Maybe radio, maybe code, maybe staring into space Glasgow Car Maybe No seafood or nuts
irl Radio stuff probably Aberdeen Car Maybe
ana Aberdeen
Midder Aberdeen Van Yes, one free seat :) vegetarian
vishnee angry tech-feminist rants, funding computer church Aberdeen Van See @Midder vegetarian
Kenny D Glasgow Car vegan
Martin Glasgow Car Maybe
tj Sitting very still Aberdeen Car Nein Danke
Phine drawing trees Aberdeen Car Nein Danke vegetarian (fish is good, yum fish (not all phish))

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campgnd2023/attendees.1683661547.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/09 19:45 by tj