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Lights for EMF 2018
poundland LEDs
Have 30+ strings of 10.
I think hang them from roof and guy lines of consular offices.
Ideally will have each string independently PWMable but depends on me making the electronics to do that (I've been meaning to for a couple of years now and still haven't…). Backup plan is just feed them all power. Simpler electronics could be to drive them all (or maybe two groups: always on and PWMed) with the same PWM signal to have breathing or flickering or something.
Could do with making barrel plug cables to connect them up to save the hacked together with spring terminals that I had at CampGND, need to decide where I'm putting them to figure out rough cable lengths needed. Eight ropes coming off central pole and 12 guy lines?
Cardboard shapes with LED strips in
Was thinking a kind of two triangular pyramids joined together, with a gap at all edges and a bit of LED strip up the inside. This sketch might make that clearer.
I've got RGBW LED strips so will be able to switch these to (warm) white to get useful light to see by or coloured light to give atmosphere.
I'm thinking one of the triangle things in each corner of gazebo and some channel with contrasting colour down light round tops of walls (or down and up if we have enough LED tape).
I've got a couple of IR controlled controllers that can do constant colour (or some simple blinking) and a couple of H801 controllers that could do programmable stuff if I'm organised enough to sort that out in time (or anyone else wants to?).
Opposing projectors
This but I like the idea of projecting from both sides so it changes depending on where you're looking at it from.
Put two projectors in opposite corners of event shelter pointing up into the opposite side. Make kind of lumpy cardboard screens for them and hang some shapes in the middle between the two screens.
I've started putting together a youtube playlist with some things that I think might work well being projected from the other side or instead of website. Some of the stuff there might need editted down to take out bits that won't really work.
Could also possibly do some normal videos and grade it to high contrast with a serious tint (e.g. blue from one projector and orange from the other). I quite like music videos when you don't have the music, they're nicely weird.
For the hanging shapes I'm thinking cardboard cross sections and uprights to define the shape and wrap it in white fabric. Plus a cardboard box or two for cuboid shape. Hang them with fishing line.
Grid lights
I have a few cardboard grids that beer was delivered in. Could make quite interesting lights if we put LEDs in the base of them. Go with addressable LEDs and they could be displays. A quick look in my cardboard collection turned up 5 4*6 grids and 4 4*3 grids.