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We have quite a lot of stuff that we take to events regularly.

here is it sorted by location and descriptions also who is responsible for it.

At 57North Hacklab

Large Things

Name Quantity Responsible
DPRM Consular Office 1 Hibby Main White Marquee

| Saddam's Palace | 1 | Midder | a 9 man Dome dent donated by Nodin |

Event Shelter 1 irl Needs repairing, poles broken and needs patching
Clansman 5.4m Mast 1 Hibby Radio Mast
Shelves 2 Midder 2 steel Collapsable shelving
PA 1 Midder An improvised PA
LED Spots ormiret Various LED Spotlights
PPP 1 Midder 240v and 12v Power Distrobution (Power Provision Peli)
Bean Bags 8 Midder 8 Beanbags/coutions mixed sizes
Roadsign 1 ScotCon A scottish Streetsign
Flegs ? ScotCon A Collection of FLeegs
Whiteboard 1 57N Whiteboard for sign
Workbench 1 Midder Black and Decker Workmate 400 used as whiteboard stand
Air Conditioning ?? ormiret Todo
chairs 7 ScotCon 5 camping chairs, 2 camping stools.
Inflatable Gary 1 ScotCon in ranbow bag

| Free-standing Hammock | 1 | ScotCon | Beige freestandign hammock |

Power Distributionb 1 ScotCon Peli case Electrical Distribution with UPS


Name Quantity Responsible
Workbench 1 Midder Black collapsable workbench
Parkslide cordless drill 1 Midder parkslide cordless drill
Drill bits 1 Midder A collecition of drill bits for the drill


Name Quantity Responsible
Tube Unicorn ? ormiret Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube unicorn
Fleegs >1 ScotCon Box with various fleeegs
equipment/overview.1716321336.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/16 13:50 (external edit)