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Hello friends

You may have heard already, or have seen on the website, but we're delighted to be bringing back NorthernRST next month. We're on for Friday the 8th and Saturday the 9th of December, so just 3 weeks away! The event will be hosted at the luscious and spacious 57 North hacklab in Aberdeen see for more details.

It'll be a fun, varied and engaging two days. Self organised sessions and fire talks with a focus on community in the day time, and evening socials on both days.

One day will be more focussed on workshops and self organised sessions, and the other more talks from our community, sharing our knowledge, experience and passions. Some of you have made suggestions already, thanks - we'll get back shortly!

We've not got the CFP or schedule arranged yet, but if you have an idea of a talk or project that you'd be keen to share, give us a shout. There will also be time & space for 'fire' talks on one or other of the days - like lightning talks but 20 minutes .

We'll add more info to the website at when we have it, but we'll also keep you updated via email.

The easiest way to get in touch is just by emailing

Thanks & much love


northernrst2023/initial_email.1700476439.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/20 10:33 by Nick