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Radio Society of Scotcon

The RSS was founded to solve every issue with Amateur Radio.

We intend to act as Scotland's governing body of amateur radio when the requirement arises.


We meet Monday at 8pm Scotland time for an hour to talk shit or try to be less bad at radio.

Current plan is an Echolink conference, as we change and grow this may change and/or grow too.


Discussions are usually had on scottish consulate irc & mailing list.

We have a signal group for coordination, ask in IRC to be added.


Become and RSGB affiliated club, get a callsign.

Field day to do HF to remote scotcon stations internationally (RSSI)

Hubby likes how this works:

Role Call

If you can’t edit this after joining the wiki, pester Hibby or tj to get edit rights.

Name Call QTH
radio.1564562563.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/16 13:50 (external edit)