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CCCamp bread by Lotte

Famous bread by Lotte from Milliways' bakery.

This recipe if for one round that just fits in the mixer. Makes around 11 loafs with a dough weight of one loaf being 940g.

All Ingredients

Ingredient Weight
Sourdough 500g
White flour (Wheat ) 4800g Type 550/ Volkoren bloem / Strong White
Wholemeal 1200g
Water 3500g 28°C/78°F, or luke warm
Salt 120g

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Sourdough

Ingredient Weight
Starter 55g
White flour (Wheat ) 110g Type 550/ Volkoren bloem / Strong White
Wholemeal 110g
Water 220g 28°C/78°F, or luke warm

Mix all ingredients and leave overnight (8-12h) at room temperature.

Step 2

Ingredient Weight
Starter 55g
White flour (Wheat ) 110g Type 550/ Volkoren bloem / Strong White
Wholemeal 110g
Water 220g 28°C/78°F, or luke warm

One bowl: mix flours. Second bowl: Mix starter and water. Add around 1/3 each of flour and water mix into the mixer. Add bits of water and flour mix alternating into mixer, ending with water.

Step 3

Mix for 3 minutes.

Step 4

Check and turn the mixture to make sure all dry ingredients are mixed in well.

Step 5

Mix for another 3 minutes. Add up to 18g of lukewarm water if needed to make the dough come together well.

Step 6: Autolyse

Rest for about 30 minutes.

Step 7

Add salt and mix for 4 minutes.

Step 8

Transfer to plastic boxes and bulk proof for about 4h.

Stretch, fold and turn each hour.

Step 9

Put dough on a work surface, cut with Pre-shape the dough and let rest for 15min.

recipes/cccamp_bread_by_lotte.1690730155.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/16 13:50 (external edit)