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campGND 2020

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Scotland's first Hacker camp.                            `--|_,`'
 <Allie`> i feel a strong desire to sit in a field and do the same things i do at home but in a field with my pals 

What is it?

The hackerspace goes camping.

We pick a field and get our toys out. Play by day, drink around a fire by night.

When is it?

29 May - 31 May 2020

Where is it?

Northern Scotland. Forgue, Near Huntly.

How Do I get there?

It's roughly an hour's drive inland from Aberdeen.

There is a train station 12km or so away in Huntly.

There will be some people driving who might have spare seats - this information appears on the Attendees page usually. They may be available to shuttle you to/from the train station too!

What should I bring?

Everything, and probably a kitchen sink.

We like to go somewhere with very few amenities (and poor connectivity). You should bring whatever you need to survive, a project to hack on/make/play with and some stuff to burn too.

If you need food, drink, fire or supplies, there is a supermarket ( actually 2!) nearby in Huntly.

How much does it cost? How do I buy a ticket?

campGND is free to attend, just bring yourself and what you think will make a great event!

Ticketing isn't something we do, you sign up by adding yourself to the attendees page.


I don't have any camping gear!

Don't worry - our attendees have some camping gear available for to borrow!

Check the page to see what's available, or to offer your own gear!

Camping Gear Offers

Amateur Radio

We have been issued a special event callsign for campGND, GB1GND. We will have many licensed radio amateurs around that can supervise the station (make sure you are recording in the logbook when you are supervising the station) and non-licensed campers can play radio too under the supervision of someone with a full license.

If you're bringing radio kit, please add it to the list:

Radio Equipment

During the camp, there will likely also be activity on the standard hacker UHF channel: 433.550MHz.


Boring Orga Shit

campgnd2020/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/16 13:51 by